
Originally Posted on September 13, 2016 by Sailing Infidels

Thursday, September 1 –

This morning was spent anticipating the departure of the remaining staff.  Jordan, Doug and Tyson were to be taking the last of the fishing boats, a 22 foot Boston Whaler, north up the coastline about 15 nm and spending a couple of days camping on Fredrick Island.  They will arrive in Masset on Saturday.

Layla and Ryan would fly out on a float plane sometime in the afternoon.  They were anxious due to a forecast calling for up to twenty-five knot winds.

At about 11:00 am Jordan and crew finally departed the dock and we watched them disappear around the point — Then there were four!

The hours seemed to drag on forever for Wendi and I, and I’m sure even more so for Layla and Ryan.  Ryan was already stressed about being late for work and then found out that the float plane hadn’t been able to leave Prince Rupert due to fog.

By 15:00 they were down on the dock with all their luggage. Waiting…  Wendi and I were out on the deck, up at the lodge watching them and scanning the skies for the plane. Waiting…

Finally, sometime after 16:00 the plane flew over the mountain from the east.  It flew over Port Louis, circling around in front of us, disappearing behind the trees to the West and reappearing on the East side of the lodge to land on the water and taxi into the dock.  We unloaded the few boxes of groceries that he brought for us, shook hands with Layla and Ryan and said good-bye.  We watched and took video as the last of the crew taxied away from the dock and throttled up, lifted off and disappeared into the sky — Then there were two!

Alone at last!

© 2016 Ron Morrison

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